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Deborah Levy
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Deep in the reomte French countryside, an elegant group of tourists celebrate Christmas in a rented château. But their leisure time is rudely interrupted by a body. An English woman has been murdered and Tatiana, the unloved child, claims she knows who did it. The murderer is amystery, but a search for the truth will lead to many more disturbing mysteries of the human heart: insatiable rage, sadistic desire, colonial violence. Underneath the hedonism of these wealthy lives, a savage dissatisfaction is smouldering. The unloved and the unloving areperpetual bedfellows in this mesmerizing early novel from the twice Man Booker-shortlisted author of the Hot milk and Swimming Home.

Editora Penguin Books
ISBN-13 9780241146590
ISBN 0241146593
Edição 2 / 2014
Idioma Inglês
Páginas 200
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Teresinha Moniz
É um livro intrigante. Apesar de saber de saída que há um assassinato, o que mais surpreende no livro são as histórias paralelas dos personagens e não propriamente a busca pelo assassino, que é revelada no final do livro.

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