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Fred Saberhagen
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(Bolsilivro) - DE COLONIZADORES,ELES PASSARAM A COLONIZADOS... O PLANETA CHAMAVA-SE GOLDEN E APRESENTAVA CONDIÇÕES SEMELHANTES ÁS DA TERRA.MAS UM CAMPO DE FORÇA NEUTRALIZAVA A AÇÃO DE QUALQUER APARELHO OU MÁQUINA MAIS COMPLEXA. DEPOIS DE UMA SERIE DE INVESTIDAS FRUSTADAS, OS HOMENS DA FORÇA ESPACIAL TERRESTRE NÃO VIRAM OUTRA SAIDA SENÃO VOLTAR AO ESTADO PRIMITIVO, SE QUISESSEM OCUPAR ESTE PLANETA...The Golden People by Fred Saberhagen -- (From the creator of The Berserker Saga,Empire of the East and The Book of Swords Trilogy) (first published 1964) -- The planet was called Golden in honor of the planeteer whose ship had crashed there years before. It was an Earth-type world, with humanoid natives, and other creatures that were--something less. Or maybe more, for almost all of the planet was covered by an invisible Field which blanked radar, damped the power of the Earthmen's stunners, immobilized their robots and caused watches to run backward. No machine or weapon more complicated than the lever or knife could work inside the Field. Which meant that the Space Force had to revert to the primitive to explore the world of Golden. And obviously, someone or something hidden in the vast reaches of the planet had planned it that way. . . |...| Emiliano Nowell was a world-class genetic engineer. He was also a wealthy and idealistic man with the time and money necessary to follow his dreams. In secret laboratories far from Earth he used his powers to create one hundred genetically perfect children . . . an enlightened cadre Nowell hoped would lead humanity out of that maze of war, famine, torture and death called History. But the Golden People proved to be more intelligent than even he believed possible. Among other frighteningly advanced talents, they had the power to mentally influence normal humans. Now, one of them has become the group's secret leader. His goal is not to help humanity -- but to replace it.

Editora Bruguera editorial,
ISBN-13 9780671653781
ISBN 0671653784
Edição 1 / 1971
Idioma Inglês
Páginas 160
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