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Marcus Pfister
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Jack, the little yellow taxi, used to be the fastest, brightest taxi around and traveled the city as if he had wings. If only he could fly. But something magical happens when Jack sees a bus that says, “Come to Brazil.” Before Jack knows it, he’s flying over the Brazilian rainforest and his new customers are macaws and howler monkeys! Jack couldn’t be happier, playing pass-the-coconut. But their fun comes to a halt when big bulldozers and cranky cranes start chopping down the rainforest. Why don’t you come back to the city and leave the forest alone? With a blink of an eye, Jack is back in the city. Could those be the same bulldozers he saw in the rainforest? Jack isn’t sure until he spies a coconut on the park bench and smiles to himself…anything is still possible.

Editora NorthSouth Books
ISBN-13 9780735841116
ISBN 073584111X
Edição 0 / 2013
Idioma Português
Páginas 32
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