Book of the Year in Korea, 'Waiting for Mummy' is a deceptively simple story of patience rewarded. A child waits for his mother at a tram-stop. Trams come and go, people alight, yet her devoted son waits stoically and patiently, even as a snowstorm gathers.A new edition of a 1938 story by one of Korea's best-loved writers, Tae-Jun Lee, 'Waiting for Mummy' has been a publishing sensation since its re-release with Dong-Sung Kim's illustrations in late 2004. It won the major Baeksang Publishing Award and was nominated as 'Book of the year' by each of Korea's three major national newspapers. It was shortlisted for Germany's major kids book prize, the Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis.This Wilkins Farago edition marks its first publication into English anywhere in the world.