Larissa Vieira
Livros em inglês!


Shadow is a man with a past. But now he wants nothing more than to live a quiet life with his wife and stay out of trouble. Until he learns that she's been killed in a terrible accident. Flying home for the funeral, as a violent storm rocks the plane, a strange man in the seat next to him introduces himself. The man calls himself Mr. Wednesday, and he knows more about Shadow than is possible. He warns Shadow that a far bigger storm is coming. And from that moment on, nothing will ever he the same ...

Tiago De oliveira almeida
A série da amazon é boa, atores e produção show, mas possui algumas diferenças do livro. Essa versão em inglês é muito bem escrita! Pode procurar pelo trailer da série para entender do que se trata, mas o autor, Neil Gaiman, é bem conhecido e possui outros best-sellers. Outro livro dele que virou série, por exemplo, é Good Omens.


An historic literary event—the publication of a newly discovered novel, the earliest known work from Harper Lee, the beloved, bestselling author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning classic, To Kill a MockingbirdOriginally written in the mid-1950s, Go Set a Watchman was the novel Harper Lee first submitted to her publishers before To Kill a Mockingbird. Assumed to have been lost, the manuscript was discovered in late 2014.Go Set a Watchman features many of the characters from To Kill a Mockingbird some ...

Carolina Selvatici
Continuação de "O sol é para todos", que saiu 50 anos depois, o livro é tão bom quanto o primeiro


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